Product description
Castrol BioStat environmentally acceptable lubricants are specifically designed to replace conventional lubricants in the stern tube bearings and thruster gearboxes of ships.
Castrol BioStat lubricants are formulated from synthetic ester base oils which are selected to give a wide operating temperature range and long service life. Castrol BioStat lubricants have been tested and registered according to OSPAR (Oslo and Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic) requirements and therefore meet the definition of an Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant (EAL) under the US Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels (VGP) 2013.
Developed to replace conventional mineral oil based lubricants in the stern tube bearings and thruster gearboxes of all vessels operating in the marine environment.
Can also replace conventional gear oils in the gearboxes of deck machinery, where there is a risk of spills or leaks during operation or maintenance activities
Approved by all the major stern tube seal manufacturers for use in their equipment.